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Friday, February 5, 2010

Kid Octane drops in to give his take on the SuperBowl...

Time for the Big'in

If you've been paying attention to Old Uncle Octane, your wallet would be an inch thicker. So, you have one last crack at it. Just call it what it is, Octane's Stimulus Package. Well, no sense in boring you with what everyone knows: great offenses going against mediocre defenses. Weather looks to be gorgeous so the entire world expects a shootout. Well, Octane does not. Will there be scoring? Sure. But not as much as you would think. Neither team wants to engage the other in a natural shootout. Both teams will look to run the ball and chew clock to save their own defenses. Can this game go over the total? Sure. But when the country's "football fans" fawn over the monotonous coverage starting from who knows when, the theme of the day will be offense, offense, offense, scoring, scoring, scoring. This will probably drive the total north of its current 56.5 and that, my kiddies, is when you pounce. Simply put, this Sunday impress the wife by skipping the parties and game and treat her to a nice day at Crate & Barrel and some dinner at Panera, Uncle Octane will save you the 4.5 hours and you can just watch the commercials online tomorrow. The Kid is going to break the cardinal rule on this one, taking the favorite and the under. Final score, Colts 30-23. Kid Octane signing off from the rafters.

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